Syslog Fields for Answering Machine Detection (AMD)

The syslog message can include information relating to the Answering Machine Detection (AMD) feature. AMD is used to detect whether a human (including a fax machine), an answering machine, silence, or answering machine beeps have answered the call on the remote side.

AMDSignal – the field can acquire one of the following values:
voice (V)
answer machine (A)
silence (S)
unknown (U)
AMDDecisionProbability – probability (in %) success that correctly detects answering type

Below is an example of such a syslog message with AMD information:

CallMachine:EVENT_DETECTED_EV - AMDSignal = <type – V/A/S/U>, AMDDecisionProbability = <percentage> %

If there is no AMD detection, the AMDSignal field is shown empty (i.e. AMDSignal = ).

For more information on the AMD feature, see Answering Machine Detection (AMD).